Investement committee


This Committee is comprised of directors, officers and external experts appointed by the Board of Directors. The President and Chief Executive Officer chairs the Committee.


Stéphane Rochon, President and Chief Executive Officer, Chair
Alina Dudau, Chief Actuary
Marc Peliel, Vice-President, Finance
René Delsanne, Director
Michel Pelletier, External Expert Consultant
Permanent invitee: Marie-Andrée Boucher, Appointed Actuary, Eckler


The Investment Committee is responsible for implementing investment and matching strategies in accordance with the Company’s objectives. The Committee recommends the Company’s investment policy to the Board of Directors and ensures it is up to date. It monitors performance analysis and ensures that the level of asset matching to the Company’s financial commitments is consistent with the policy’s objectives. In addition, the Committee ensures that the investment activities comply with the investment policy.

The Committee recommends the selection of investment managers to the Board of Directors, ensures they comply with the Company’s investment policy and that their performance is reviewed against set objectives.

Humania Assurance’s Investment Committee also acts as LS-Travel’s Investment Committee, assuming the same responsibilities as set out above.

Activity Report

Throughout the year, the Committee analyzed manager performance on the portfolios of the Company and LS-Travel Insurance.

It conducted quarterly reviews of the investment policy compliance reports presented by the managers and reported to the Board of Directors.

The Committee members tracked the Company’s asset-liability matching and submitted quarterly asset-liability matching reports to the Board.

Fiscal 2020 was highlighted by another significant decline in long-term interest rates. Against this backdrop, the Committee worked on optimizing its portfolio investment and matching strategies to support the targeted returns and capitalization ratios.

Signé par Stéphane Rochon Stéphane Rochon Chair